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COVID-19 has caused numerous disruptions to the lives of youth. These disruptions make a high-quality Club experience more important than ever. A high-quality Club experience is the first step to overcoming these disruptions. It is the groundwork for improving outcomes.

As Clubs are offering a range of services to youth during COVID-19, BGCA has developed a variety of youth development activities, resources and tools to support your work as Club youth continue to engage virtually or begin attending the Club in-person again.

If you have questions about your On Site or Virtual program, book a consultation with BGCA!


Book an online Consult

Have a question about programs? Book a consult with our team!



Deciding if, when, or how to open for an on-site program is a challenging issues requiring careful consideration.  BGCA has several guides for helping you determine how to proceed safely.  Consider these elements as your Club makes plans:

More Program Resources


Summer Program Capacity Assesment



Virtual Club

Though a Virtual Club engagement, club staff can deliver virtual programming, or a mix of take-home activities, prerecorded material and/or live engagement that makes the most sense for their situation and community.


Safety remains our number one priority.


Make sure that however you are communicating with youth, whether live, in chat or on the phone, there is never one-to-one contact between a staff member and a young person. You will also need parent or guardian permission for youth to engage in any interactive virtual programming, such as live meetings or chats.

You will also want to have a strategy promoting positive and  safe behavior in your virtual Club, as well as processes for staff and youth to report any concerns. Please review the “Creating a Safe Live Virtual Club” to see details on platform compliance, safety policy, and other considerations.

Creating a Safe Live Virtual Club



Parental Consent for Virtual Club



Virtual Clubs still need quality program.


What kind of services your Virtual Club is providing, creating quality Club experiences is still a core offering.  How you measure the quality of your Virtual Club impacts the outcomes you expect to see in youth. Program Quality is the lead indicator that predicts youth outcomes. As you explore your virtual program offerings include the following standards to ensure your program sessions maintain high quality.

Partnering with Schools

Planning for a return to school year programming is a critical part of a return to Club strategy.  Many schools are considering new and varied strategies to accommodate social distancing and smaller class sizes.  As you consider how to work with your local schools,  visit to review the School Partnerships Planning Guide.

School Partnership Planning Guide on


Family and Caregiver Engagement

Families and caregivers have an important role to play in a young person’s development. Engaging with them ensures youth have the supports and resources they need to thrive which ultimately leads to improved youth outcomes. Here are some resources to help you build and strengthen your caregiver engagement efforts.

Family & Caregiver Engagement Planning Guide on
